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Using tap target view library in android

How to put alert dialog in your android app

How to download road rash 2 for pc

Make text float into air

How to change image background

0 seeds in torrent and still you can download

Make your own web browser for mobile

MP3 Player core java(not UI)

Access blocked sites in INDIA

How to download from extratorrent while it has been shutdown completely


Make your own TicTacToe game in android

Make your own Music Player in core java

Make your own TicTacToe game in core java

Wifi problem solved in kali linux

How to play PSP games on pc

How to increase the screen resolution of kali linux in vmware

How to increase the screen resolution of kali linux in vmware

How to see star wars using command prompt

How to run java program using command prompt

Snake game by command prompt


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Make your own tic-tac-toe game on Android

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Part 1: Make your own game in Python

Python Code[Just Copy paste the code and you are done] : # Import a library of functions called 'pygame' import pygame # Initialize the game engine pygame.init() gamedisplay = pygame.display.set_mode((700, 500)) pygame.display.set_caption("Cool Game") clock=pygame.time.Clock() crashed=False while not crashed: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: crashed= True print(event) pygame.display.update() clock.tick(60) pygame.quit() quit() In command prompt: pip install pygame Keywords : puruworldofficial python game engine 2d, python game library, python game development, pygame game, python game creator, python game programming tutorial for beginners, pygame tutorial, python based games, Game development in python, build your own game in python with pygame, build your own game in python, make your own game in python, invent your own game in python, how to make a game in python for beginners, python game programmi